Analysis of progressive deformation of the Edmonton Convention Centre excavation

A finite element analysis was performed of the deformations observed during the excavation of the Edmonton Convention Centre. Local geology in the Edmonton area consists of layers of shale with weak bentonite seams overlain by glacial deposits. The presence of the bentonite seams, which possess strain-softening characteristics, controls the stability of the excavation, which is located in a valley wall. To simulate the influence of the bentonite seams a strain-softening finite element model is used to estimate the amount of deformation in the foundation of the excavation. Field measurements indicated that localized progressive straining had occurred during the excavation process, and substantial heave of the foundation floor was observed. The finite element results show progressive deformation of the excavation and propagation of shear zones. Good agreement between the finite element results and the field observations is obtained. Key words: progressive failure, strain softening, finite element analysis, shear band, excavation stability.

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