Bech P. The Bech–Rafaelsen Melancholia Scale (MES) in clinical trials of therapies in depressive disorders A 20‐year review of its use as outcome measure. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2002: 106: 252–264. © Blackwell Munksgaard 2002. Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Bech–Rafaelsen Melancholia Scale (MES) by reviewing clinical trials in which it has been used as outcome measure. Method: The psychometric analysis included internal validity (total scores being a sufficient statistic), interobserver reliability, and external validity (responsiveness in short‐term trials and relapse prevention in long‐term trials). Results: The results showed that the MES is a unidimensional scale, indicating that the total score is a sufficient statistic. The interobserver reliability of the MES has been found adequate both in unipolar and bipolar depression. External validity including both relapse, response and recurrence indicated that the MES has a high responsiveness and sensitivity. Conclusion: The MES has been found a valid and reliable scale for the measurement of changes in depressive states during short‐term as well as long‐term treatment.