Risk of agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia in relation to history of infectious mononucleosis: A report from the international agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia study

The general objective of this study was to evaluate the risks of agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia in relation to drug use. Other potential risk factors, including history of infectious mononucleosis, were also evaluated. In an international populationbased case-control study, cases of agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia and controls, who were patients with selected diagnoses, were identified from the same hospitals. Information on drug use was obtained in a structured interview. Limited information on environmental exposures and on selected items of medical history, including infectious mononucleosis, was also recorded. The possible effects of these factors on the risk of the two blood dyscrasias were evaluated. Relative risks were estimated by stratified analysis and by multiple logistic regression. Among 319 cases of arganulocytosis, 12 patients (4%) gave a history of infectious mononucleosis at least 1 year previously; among 2180 controls the corresponding number was 11 (0.5%) (multivariate relative risk estimate, 6.2; 95% confidence interval, 2.3–17). A nonsignificant elevation in the relative risk was observed for aplastic anemia. The data suggest that infectious mononucleosis may confer a long-term increase in the risk of agranulocytosis. However, the association was an unexpected one, identified in the course of multiple comparisons, and it must be independently confirmed.