Use of a spectrophotometer for radiographic photodensitometry of bone

A conventional spectrophotometer was used to do radiographic photodensitometry of bone mass. An experiment to produce osteoporosis in guinea pigs required quantification of changes in bone mass. Lack of a densitometer necessitated finding another method for quantification. The method developed involved using industrial film in a closed X-ray system. Optical density of X-rays was then read in a spectrophotometer at nine femur locations. Highly significant correlations between optical density and femur calcium content and femur dry weight per millimeter were obtained. Histological sections from an animal with low optical density measurements confirmed bone loss by showing decreased cortical width and loss of trabecular bone. In addition to using readily available equipment, this method offers the advantage of being able to detect bone loss in specific areas of the bones. In addition, bones are left intact and can be used for other purposes.