Our experience in the treatment of venereal lymphogranuloma has been largely in the management of rectal strictures, although we have had under our observation and care lesions involving the soft parts, the floor of the mouth and the colon. The literature1lists many methods of treatment including administration of quinine, iodides, emetine, preparations of antimony, arsenicals, methylene blue, copper ammonium sulfate and chiniofon, inoculation with vaccines from the pus from buboes, x-ray and radium therapy, injections of tuberculin, of milks, of Frei antigen and of glycerin, and many others. Surgery was formerly advocated for removal of the infected glands and for radical removal of the rectum, but recurrence was the rule. Dilatation of the rectal stricture has not resulted in permanent relief. Colostomy for the rectal stricture has given the most outstanding relief, though the disease itself is not cured. We have used many of these therapeutic measures on

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