Cutans that coat and link sand grains in cemented podzolic B horizons (ortstein) of well and poorly drained podzolic soils from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were described in thin sections and analyzed by energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The principal type of cutan was brown and weakly to moderately anisotropic; it included numerous silt and fine sand grains. X-ray spectra showed this type to be composed dominantly of Al and Si with lesser amounts of K and Fe, and minor amounts of P, S, and other elements. The silt and clay particles of these cutans were apparently impregnated with Al, Fe-organic complexes. Another common type of cutan was dark reddish brown, monomorphic and isotropic; it consisted mainly of Al and organic matter as indicated by dominant Al and weak P and S peaks. In a few samples such cutans were composed mainly of Fe and organic matter. Rarer black cutans contained Mn in various proportions. The dominant cementing material of these ortstein horizons was shown to be organic complexes of Al and, less commonly, of Fe. The genesis of soils with ortstein is discussed.