Clint, G. M. 1985. The investigation of stomatal ionic relations using guard cell protoplasts. 1. Methodology.—J exp. Bot. 36: 1726–1738. A study was made of the methodology for the production and use of guard cell protoplasts in ion transport studies, with particular emphasis placed on the effects of the composition of the external medium on protoplast survival and performance. Addition of external KCl to media during the production of guard cell protoplasts from Commelina communis L. was found to improve viability and to increase K+ content and physiological competence of the isolated protoplasts. Addition of low levels (20 × 10−3 mol m−3) CaCl2 increased protoplast yield and the maintenance of viability in long-term incubation. Ambiguities and uncertainties were found in the application of methods commonly used for the assessment of viability of isolated protoplasts. Poor yields (despite high percentage recoveries) together with difficulties in the assessment of viability were considered to pose major potential problems in the use of guard cell protoplasts in ion transport studies.