Collisional Dark Matter and the Origin of Massive Black Holes

If the cosmological dark matter is primarily in the form of an elementary particle which has mass mp and cross section for self-interaction σ, then seed black holes (formed in stellar collapse) will grow in a Hubble time tH due to accretion of the dark matter to a mass, MH=ICA9tH(σ/G3mpc2)=7.1×106(σ/mp)1/2Vc9/2tH,151/2 solar masses. Here I is a numerical factor, CA the galactic velocity dispersion, and Vc its rotation velocity. For the same values of ( σ/mp) that are attractive with respect to other cosmological desiderata, this produces massive black holes in the (106109)M range observed, with the same dependence on a Vc seen, and with a time dependence consistent with observations. Other astrophysical consequences of collisional dark matter and tests of the idea are noted.

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