The multistate kinetics of nucleation in the presence of an aerosola)b)

The classical Becker–Döring homogeneous nucleation theory is rigorously extended to include monomer and cluster removal mechanisms capable of coupling to the usual Becker–Döring equations for evaporation and growth. Exact expressions are obtained in a compact continued fraction form for the steady state cluster distribution and nucleation rate in the presence of an aerosol. The unmodified classical theory is recovered in the limit of a particle free vapor. Recently proposed models for new particle formation in the presence of an aerosol and nucleation in a nonuniform vapor are shown to be contained within the present formulation. Condensation curves are calculated for a series of model condensable vapor species covering a wide volatility range in the presence of an aerosol. For those vapors having low equilibrium vapor pressures (less than 105 Torr at the highest aerosol concentrations considered) significant departures from predictions based on the unmodified classical theory are found.