The Management of Infected Abdominal Aortic Grafts and Graft-enteric Fistulas

Seven cases of infected aortic grafts or aorto-enteric fistulas following resection of an abdominal aortic aneurysm are reviewed. All cases were treated with axillo-femoral bypass and graft removal. Patients had recurrent fever, chills, and abdominal pain (5 patients), or massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage (2 patients). The two patients with massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage died. Three of the 5 long-term survivors had a recurrence of the retroperitoneal abscess after graft removal; one of these died. One axillo-femoral bypass graft required early thrombectomy. There have been no subsequent problems with any of the grafts in the 2.5 to 4 year followup period. Axillo-femoral bypass immediately before graft removal is the treatment of choice for infected or fistulous aortic grafts. Any delay in graft removal after the onset of symptoms should be avoided.