Basal cell epithelioma is undoubtedly the most common variety of cancer involving the skin. But in spite of its well known clinical and histologic appearances, there is but little information in the literature concerning the type which is associated with pigment. It is true that a few cases in which pigmentation was a marked, if not a predominating, feature have been presented before dermatologic societies in this country and in Cuba. However, these cases have occasioned little comment from dermatologists. Without histologic examination, an excessively pigmented basal cell epithelioma may easily be confused with melanoma. In view of the preoperative diagnosis of melanoma in our first case, it is not unlikely that in the past a considerable number of similar "melanomas" have been mistakenly diagnosed, treated and cured. For this reason we believe that the following cases, which are by no means unique and yet are comparatively rare, are worthy