Prevalence of Diabetes in Northern India (Delhi Area)

1. Prevalence of diabetes in Northern India, using postglucose capillary blood method is 2.7% in urban areas and 1.9% in rural areas. 2. Population with high risk in developing countries are going to increase as is evident from distribution pattern of various age groups and from presently increasing longevity. 3. Correlative factors indicate a higher probability in those with adiposity, better defined by skin fold thickness. 4. Reliability of family history of diabetes in developing countries cannot be authenticated and there is a need to look for genetic markers to discern this information. 5. Caloric intake of less than 2000 calories in the developing countries could not be contributory to induced diabetes mellitus. 6. Similar caloric intake but with differences in the energy expenditure in the urban and rural populations could account for the present variation in prevalence rates.