A hypothesis for the higher incidence of vesico-ureteral reflux and primary megaureters in male babies

The authors propose a new explanation for the male preponderance in cases with prenatally diagnosed vesico-ureteral reflux and primary megaureters. The theory is based on conclusions drawn from the characteristics of 4 patients (3 perinatal cases and 1 occurring in a 14-year-old boy) presenting with unusual anomalies of the lower urinary tract. In this hypothesis, the male preponderance could be related to an abnormal dilatation of the posterior urethra occurring during the embryological development of the male urethra. The dilatation leads to a flap valve mechanism and to a functional obstruction of the bladder outlet and finally to secondary dilatation of the upper urinary tract. This obstruction may be transitory; reflux and megaureters found in utero or after birth could be considered as sequellae of this phenomenon.