First Report on Marine Microturbellarians from Hawaii

Karling, T. G. (Section of Invertebrate Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden), Valeria Mack‐Fira, and Jürgen Dörjes.First report on marine microturbellarians from Hawaii.Zool. Scripta 1 (6): 251–270, 1972.–The material presented here consists of:Cilionema hawaiiensisgen. et sp. n.,Microvahine corallicolagen. et sp. n.,Archiloa subtilissp. n.,Minona bistyliferasp. n.,Duplominona kaneoheisp. n.,Archimonocelis heljrichisp. n.,Ulelga variodentatasp. n.,Notocelis gullmarensis maculatassp. n.,Cylindrcstoma monotrochum(Graff),Plagiostomum acoluthumMarcus,Gyratrix hermaphroditusEhrenberg andAustrorhynchus pectatusKarling. The anatomy of the species is described and their taxonomy discussed. Views are given on the comparative anatomy of the bursal organs. The ecology and the biogeography of the species are briefly discussed.