Direct visualization of the transposedABL gene in a duplicated masked Ph chromosome

In a small percentage of cases of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), where the Ph chromosome is masked because of highly complex translocations and sub-microscopic rearrangements, precise identification of chromosomal aberrations by routine banding techniques has been difficult. We report on a new case of CML in which a single copy of a masked Ph chromosome was duplicated during blast crisis, i.e., the karyotype was 47,XY, dir ins(22;9)(q11;q34.1q34.2),t(1;22) (q21;q11), + der (22)t(1;22)(q21;q11). The chromosome in situ suppression hybridization (CISS) technique with whole chromosome 1 and 22 specific painting probes demonstrated that 22q11-qter had been translocated to lq21, whereas 22q11 was the recipient of Iq21-qter. Furthermore, a cosmid probe identified the location of the ABL gene on only one chromosome 9 (band q34). The other ABL gene could be detected on both derivative chromosomes 22 at band q11 which was flanked by the translocated part of the long arm of chromosome I, thus providing direct visualization of the ABL insertion in a double masked Ph chromosome. A breakpoint within the 5.8 kb major breakpoint cluster [M-BCR] region was shown by Southern blotting. © 1993 Wiley-Linc, Inc.