Genital human papilloma virus infection in oslo studied by dot blot DNA hybridization and the polymerase chain reaction

Samples from patients with genital condyloma acuminata or with cervical condylomas and/or dysplasia and from women without cytological/ clinical evidence of cervical affection were examined by dot blot DNA hybridization or the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR was much more sensitive than dot blot, more than doubling the human papilloma virus (HPV) findings. HPV DNA, mainly HPV 6/11, was detected in 18 of 19 biopsies of condyloma acuminata, whereas HPV 16 was most frequently detected in the 21 cervices (76%) with condyloma and/or dysplasia. HPV 16 was detected in eight of 103 cervical smears with no signs of infection. The prevalence of HPV 16 in cervical samples was somewhat higher than expected. This suggests that, in Oslo, HPV 16 is a common HPV type in women with cytologically normal cervices. HPV 18 was relatively rare and was detected only in combination with other HPVs.