A study of malabsorption in pancreatic cancer

The type, incidence, and severity of malabsorption in patients with pancreatic cancer were investigated. The following absorption tests were performed; pancreatic function diagnostant (PFD) test, measurement of serum carotene levels, and 5 gd-xylose absorption test. Rates of abnormality in the tests were 75.7% of 37, 54.2% of 48, and 54% of 50 patients with pancreatic cancer, respectively. In particular, a marked decrease of values in the xylose absorption test was characteristic and more often recognized in patients with carcinoma of the pancreas with occlusion of the superior mesenteric vein. The presence of malabsorption (disturbed transport through the portal vein), in addition to maldigestion of nutrients, is suggested to induce severe malnutrition in patients with pancreatic cancer.