Studies on the habits of zebu cattle. III. Water consumption of Zebu cattle

In continuation of a series of studies on the habits of Zebu cattle, records for the quantities of water consumed every hour by ten cattle during twenty periods of 24 hr. observations have been analysed. A large variation in day-to-day consumption was evident, but water was taken on an average during 8 hr. of the day with only a small amount of water consumed during darkness. The mean consumption per animal per 24 hr. period was 9·04 kg. (1·9 gal.). The range was 5·1–12·7 kg. (1·1–2·8 gal.). The water consumption records were subdivided into those days on which water was drunk during a small number of hours and those days when water was drunk during many hours. Although the hourly consumption differed markedly the end result showed a similar intake. A significant negative relationship was found between water consumed and grazing counts, and for one group a significant positive correlation was found between water consumption and dry air temperature.