To obtain information regarding the antiethylene properties and binding site of Ag+, studies were initiated to define conditions under which Ag+ does or does not inhibit ethylene action. AgNO3, applied as a leaf spray, inhibited 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid(Ethrel)-induced leaf abscission from green cuttings of V. radiata in white light but lost considerable activity in the dark. In the absence of Ethrel, AgNO3 stimulated abscission in the dark. When cuttings were dark-aged for 24 h prior to treatment with AgNO3 and aged for an additional 24 h in the dark after treatment, good inhibition of subsequent Ethrel-induced abscission was restored by returning the cuttings to light. However, when dark aging was preceded by far-red irradiation, considerably less inhibition of Ethrel-induced abscission was restored in the light. AgNO3 was completely inactive on cuttings aged in the dark and treated with Ethrel in the dark. Light is required for the antiethylene activity of AgNO3 with regard to leaf abscission of Vigna.