Insecticide‐treated net ownership and usage in Niger after a nationwide integrated campaign

In December 2005 and March 2006, Niger conducted nationwide integrated campaigns to distribute polio vaccine and long lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) to children or = one LLIN retained it. The wealth equity ratio for ITN ownership in households with children <5 increased from 0.17 prior to the campaign to 0.79 afterward. During the dry season, 15.4% of all children <5 and 11.3% of pregnant women slept under an ITN, while during rainy season, 55.5% of children <5 and 48.2% of pregnant women slept under an ITN. Free distribution during the integrated campaign rapidly increased ITN ownership and decreased inequities between those in the highest and lowest wealth quintiles. Retention of ITNs was very high, and usage was high during malaria transmission season. However, ITN ownership and usage by vulnerable groups continues to fall short of RBM targets, and additional strategies are needed to increase ownership and usage.

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