Cell relationships in Hymenolepis diminuta

SUMMARY: The intimate cell relationships of Hymenolepis diminuta are described and occur between cells of the parenchyma, excretory system, muscle and tegument. The cell relationships are of three types: (a) a tight junction or zonula occludens; (b) a desmosome-like structure without tonofibrils or intercellular dense line; (c) a junctional complex with modified unit membranes and an intercellular region of dense granules and fibres.This research was begun while one of us (L.T.T.) was a Visiting Lecturer in the Biology Department, Rice University, and completed in the Zoology Department, Queen's University, Belfast. We should like to thank Dr C. W. Philpott for allowing us the full use of the facilities of his electron-microscope unit and Mr W. Ferguson for photographic assistance.