Higher-twist effects in the reactionπNμ+μXat 253 GeV/c

The distributions of quarks in the pion and nucleon are extracted from measurements of the reaction πNμ+μX at 253 GeV/c in a naive Drell-Yan analysis, as well as QCD-corrected analyses at leading-log and next-to-leading-log order. As xπ1 the pion structure function shows a term that varies as 1mμμ4, which we interpret as a higher-twist effect. Additionally, the angular distribution of the μ+ in the muon-pair rest frame tends towards sin2θ as xπ1 and as mμμ0 in a manner consistent with higher-twist effects. When the strongly mass-dependent higher-twist effects are included as part of the pion structure function, the nucleon structure function agrees well with leading-twist results from deeply inelastic lepton-hadron scattering. A significant advance of the present work is the extension of the analysis to low masses by the subtraction of the Jψ and ψ resonances from the continuum. Our analysis covers the kinematic range 0.4<xπ<1.0 and 0.02<xN<0.33 with 3.0<mμμ<8.55 GeV/c2. Cross sections for ψ production are presented in an appendix.