Image deconvolution is formulated in the wavelet domain under the Bayesian framework. The well-known sparsity of the wavelet coefficients of real-world images is modeled by heavy-tailed priors belonging to the Gaussian scale mixture (GSM) class; i.e., priors given by a linear (finite of infinite) combination of Gaussian densities. This class includes, among others, the generalized Gaussian, the Jeffreys , and the Gaussian mixture priors. Necessary and sufficient conditions are stated under which the prior induced by a thresholding/shrinking denoising rule is a GSM. This result is then used to show that the prior induced by the "nonnegative garrote" thresholding/shrinking rule, herein termed the garrote prior, is a GSM. To compute the maximum a posteriori estimate, we propose a new generalized expectation maximization (GEM) algorithm, where the missing variables are the scale factors of the GSM densities. The maximization step of the underlying expectation maximization algorithm is replaced with a linear stationary second-order iterative method. The result is a GEM algorithm of O(NlogN) computational complexity. In a series of benchmark tests, the proposed approach outperforms or performs similarly to state-of-the art methods, demanding comparable (in some cases, much less) computational complexity.

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