Closed‐form expressions for computer‐aided design of microstrip ring antennas

This article presents closed‐form expressions for the resonant frequency and radiation characteristics of microstrip ring antennas to assist in the computer‐aided design of such antennas. Radiation fields are obtained using the vector electric potential calculated from the magnetic currents flowing along the inner and outer edges of the planar waveguide model for the microstrip ring structure. Expressions for radiated power, conductor and dielectric loss factors, resonant resistance, efficiency, and directivity are derived. The smaller the radius of curvature of the ring, the larger is the spacing between the magnetic currents flowing along the inner and outer edges and thus the radiation efficiency is higher. The effect of a dielectric layer covering the ring antenna is also included. Experimental results for the resonant frequency and the radiation patterns agree well with the theoretical predictions. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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