High-density AFLP map of nonbrittle rachis 1 (btr1) and 2 (btr2) genes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Wild relatives of barley disperse their seeds at maturity by means of their brittle rachis. In cultivated barley, brittleness of the rachis was lost during domestication. Nonbrittle rachis of occidental barley lines is controlled by a single gene (btr1) on chromosome 3H. However, nonbrittle rachis of oriental barley lines is controlled by a major gene (btr2) on chromosome 3H and two quantitative trait loci on chromosomes 5HL and 7H. This result suggests multiple mutations of the genes involved in the formation of brittle rachis in oriental lines. The btr1 and btr2 loci did not recombine in the mapping population analyzed. This result agrees with the theory of tight linkage between the two loci. A high-density amplified fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) map of the btr1/btr2 region was constructed, providing an average density of 0.08 cM/locus. A phylogenetic tree based on the AFLPs showed clear separation of occidental and oriental barley lines. Thus, barley consists of at least two lineages as far as revealed by molecular markers linked to nonbrittle rachis genes.