Summary: The failure of overdrilling techniques to improve poor pasture and the development of the dipyridylium herbicides, particularly paraquat, for controlling grass species, prompted research into oversowing techniques in 1963 and 1964. Rotary cultivation, although giving better establishment than any other oversowing technique, did not always reduce the more persistent weed grasses such as Agrostis spp., and so failed to produce a perennial rye-grass dominant sward. This was believed to be due to various factors such as unsatisfactory herbicide pre-treatments, the interval between spraying and cultivation, the high moisture content of the soil when cultivated, as well as the greater resistance of rhizomatous grass species to paraquat. In the absence of paraquat, rotary cultivation was able to establish a satisfactory number of seedlings. In both experiments, however, the subsequent botanical composition was considerably influenced by pasture management.