Neuronal cells are known to express at least two different forms of the C-SRC proto-oncogene as a consequence of alternative splicing events which add an 18-nucleotide exon (the NI exon) between C-SRC exons 3 and 4. Here we report that a second neuronal exon of C-SRC is also present between C-SRC exons 3 and 4. This neuronal exon (the NII exon) of C-SRC was isolated from human adult and fetal brain-derived cDNAs and contains 33 nucleotides capable of encoding 11 amino acids (Gln-Thr-Trp-Phe-Thr-Phe-Arg-Trp-Leu-Gln-Arg). The human NI exon was located approximately 390 nucleotides from the end of C-SRC exon 3, whereas the NII exon was approximately 1,000 nucleotides from the beginning of C-SRC exon 4. Analysis of human brain RNA revealed that the NII exon is utilized primarily in conjunction with the NI exon to yield transcripts capable of encoding C-SRC products possessing 17 additional amino acids. These splicing events, which occur between the NI and NII exons, are predicted to alter the sixth amino acid encoded by the NI exon from an arginine to a serine residue, producing a potentially novel phosphorylation site. Analysis of the different C-SRC RNA transcripts revealed that the level of C-SRC RNA containing both NI and NII exons is similar in adult and fetal brain tissue, whereas the level of C-SRC RNA containing only the NI exon or the nonneuronal form of C-SRC RNAs is significantly higher in fetal brain tissues. These results indicate that the expression and splicing pattern of the C-SRC gene are developmentally regulated in the human brain.