In the high‐grade (granulite facies) metamorphic rocks at Broken Hill the foliation is deformed by two groups of folds. Group 1 folds have an axial‐plane schistosity and a sillimanite lineation parallel to their fold axes; the foliation has been transposed into the plane of the schistosity by these folds. Group 2 folds deform the schistosity and distort the sillimanite lineation so that it now lies in a plane. Both groups of folds are developed as large folds. The retrograde schist zones are zones in which new fold structures have formed. These structures deform Group 1 and Group 2 folds and are associated with the formation of a new schistosity and strain‐slip cleavage. The interface between ore and gneiss is folded about Group 1 axial planes but about axes different from those in the foliation in the gneiss. On the basis of this, the orebody could not have been parallel to the foliation prior to the first recognizable structural and metamorphic events at Broken Hill. The orebody has been deformed by Group 2 and later structures.