Concomitant Occurrence of Neurofibromatosis and Carcinoid of the Intestine

Arnesjö, B., Idvall, Ingrid, Ihse, I., Telenius, Margareta & Tylén, U. Con-comitant occurrence of neurofibromatosis and carcinoid of the intestine. Scand. J. Gastroent. 1973, 8, 637-643. Definite proof of the recent proposal that the enterochromaffine cell system of the gastrointestinal tract and the cells of the amine and amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation series have a common origin within the neural crest is not available at present. In support of this theory a case of neuro-fibromatosis von Recklinghausen with intestinal involvement and seemingly direct transition of one of the lesions into a carcinoid is presented. Concomi-tant rise in plasma catecholamines and immunoreactive serum parathyroid hormone levels indicated the possible presence of a multiple endocrine adenomatosis syndrome.