A Single Gene Cluster Controls Incompatibility and Partial Resistance to VariousMelampsora larici-populinaRaces in Hybrid Poplars

Complete cosegregation for race-specific incompatibility with three Melampsora larici-populina rust races was observed in five F1hybrid progenies of Populus, with different patterns among the various progenies. A single gene cluster could explain these segregations: one locus with multiple alleles or two tightly linked loci controlling complete resistance to E1 and E3, and two tightly linked loci for E2. The random amplified polymorphic DNA marker OPM03/04_480 was linked to that cluster in all families (1interspecific hybrids was attributed to a genetic background effect. Partial resistance was split into epidemiological components (heritability ranged from 0.35 to 0.87). Genotypic correlations among resistance traits for the different races were high (0.73 to 0.90). However, correlations among different resistance components for a single race were not all significant. A major quantitative trait locus for all components of partial resistance to E2 was associated to the cluster controlling incompatibility to E1 and E3 and marked by OPM03/04_480 (R2from 48 to 68%).