Triple TransitionQ1(j1)+Q1(j2)+Q1(j3)near 12 466cm1in Compressed Hydrogen

We use the model of the overlap-induced, irreducible, ternary dipole (OITD) component of three interacting H2 molecules [Phys. Rev. A 49, 4508 (1994)] to calculate the intensity of the triple Q1 transition, observed by Reddy, Xiang, and Vaghese [following Letter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 367 (1995)] in compressed hydrogen gas in absorption near 12 466 cm1. Such simultaneous transitions in three interacting molecules are thought to arise from irreducible, ternary dipole components. The calculated intensities agree with the measurement within a factor of 2 or 3, which shows once more that the OITD model is capable of describing ternary spectroscopic interaction in remarkable detail.