Complex dynamics underlying the human electrocardiogram

Sequences of different human cardiac rhythms terminating in ventricular fibrillation have been studied, both qualitatively and quantitively, with methods of nonlinear dynamics. The analysis has been applied to ECG epochs belonging to rhythms of increasing electrocardiographic irregularity: from sinus rhythm to prefibrillatory rhythms and then to ventricular fibrillation. The phase portraits of these rhythms have been reconstructed from the ECG recording with the time-delay technique, and their correlation dimensions have been estimated with the algorithm of Grassberger and Procaccia (1983a, b). Different cardiac rhythms exhibit different correlation dimensions that describe the corresponding degrees of complexity. The correlation dimension increases as one proceeds from sinus rhythm to fully developed ventricular fibrillation via intermediate rhythms. The fully developed ventricular fibrillation shows the highest degree of complexity. The dimensional analysis supports the existence of complex dynamics underlying different cardiac rhythms and reveals an increase in dimensional complexity corresponding to an increase in electrocardiographic irregularity. Our results indicate that nonlinear dynamics may be used to assess various dynamic states of the heart and may offer a non-invasive tool to investigate the complex dynamic phenomena occuring during arrhythmia.