On the Transmission of Low Velocity Electrons Through thin Metallic Foils

In a recent paper Hartig showed that electrons having a velocity ranging from 2 volts upwards can be transmitted through aluminum foils of a thickness of 3 and even 9μ. Hartig tested his foils for holes in transmitted light. It is here shown that: (1) Foils showing no holes in transmitted light may show holes when tested with water. (2) Whereas Hartig's results can be confirmed with foils tested only in transmitted light, they are not confirmed in foils showing no holes in water. No electrons are transmitted in this case. (3) Hartig's results can be produced artificially by making holes in foils. Manifold reflections of electrons considered in the light of the experiments of Bayer, Hull, Lukirsky and Semenoff are given as an explanation of Hartig's results.

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