In vivoevaluation of a biomimetic apatite coating grown on titanium surfaces

Osteoconductive mineral coatings represent an established technology for enhancing the integration of orthopedic implants with living bone. However, current coatings have limitations related to fabrication methods, attachment strength to metal substrates, and in vivo performance. Low temperature biomimetic growth is a coating technique wherein the device to be coated is immersed in a meta‐stable saturated solution of the coating constituents and growth of the coating is then allowed to proceed on the surface of the device. This study focused on thein vivoevaluation of a biomimetic apatite coating fabricated under these conditions. The experiment was designed to specifically test the amount of bone ingrowth into the coated channels versus the uncoated channels of an established bone chamber system, with emphasis placed on the amount of bone present on the coupon surface. Three types of measurements were taken on each channel: linear ingrowth %, area ingrowth %, and continuous bone apposition %. The experiments demonstrated that under controlled conditions, the apatite coating appears to resorb in 8 weeks and did stimulate early osseointegration with the metal surface with a reduction in fibrous tissue encapsulation. This coating may, therefore, be useful in facilitating early bone ingrowth into porous surfaces without the potential for coating debris, macrophage infiltration, fibrous tissue encapsulation, and eventual coating failure as may occur with current plasma‐sprayed hydroxapatite coating techniques. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 69A: 629–636, 2004