An Implantable Multichannel Digital Neural Recording System For A Micromachined Sieve Electrode

This paper reports the development of an implantable, fully integrated, single-chip, multichannel neural recording system, which is powered and communicated with using an RF telemetry link. The system allows recording of /spl plusmn/500/spl mu/V neural signals from axons regenerated through a micromachined silicon sieve electrode. These signals are amplified using on-chip 100Hz to 3.IkHz bandlimited amplifiers, multiplexed, and digitized with a low-power, high speed current-mode 8-bit ADC, and then transmitted out using a passive RF telemetry link. The overall system dissipates 90mW of power from a 5V supply, and occupies 4x4mm/sup 2/ of area.

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