Factors in Alachlor and Metolachlor Injury to Corn (Zea mays) Seedlings

Growth chamber experiments were conducted to determine if certain genetic, environmental, and chemical factors or their interactions promote chloroacetamide herbicide injury to corn seedlings. Greater chloroacetamide injury occurred with ‘Pioneer 3320’ than with ‘Pioneer 3780’ hybrid corn, with 15 C than with 30 C soil temperature, with soil moisture at 105% field capacity (FC) than at 75% FC, with alachlor than with metolachlor, and with a herbicide rate of 2.2 kg/ha than with 1.1 kg/ha. Covering the plant containers with clear plastic until seedling emergence caused alachlor to be more phytotoxic to corn than metolachlor. Most factors evaluated increased the injury to corn in an additive manner.