Experimental infections of the musculoskeletal system: evaluation with MR imaging and Tc-99m MDP and Ga-67 scintigraphy.

Acute osteomyelitis, soft-tissue infection, or both were experimentally produced in 38 New Zealand white rabbits, and three-phase technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate, gallium-67, and magnetic resonance (MR) images were obtained 7 or 14 days after infection. There was no significant difference between radionuclide studies and MR images in the detection of osteomyelitis, but MR imaging was significantly more sensitive (100% vs. 69%; P < .01) in the detection of soft-tissue infection. In addition, cellulitis could not be distinguished from soft-tissue abscess on radionuclide studies, whereas MR imaging was 92% accurate in depicting soft-tissue abscesses. Further research is necessary to determine how to relate these findings to true human clinical situations.