Pot and field expts. using sunflowers, strawberries, and Sudan grass indicate that tensiometers are capable of indicating the tensions for moisture contents in the upper 1/3-1/2 of the range between the moisture equivalent and the permanent wilting %. Strawberry plants in pots remained turgid when the roots were in the soil at moisture contents much lower than those which would produce a maximum tension of about 700 cm. of water. Similarly, the moisture content in the top 3 feet of soil in the strawberry field reached a % lower than that which would show a tension of about 700 cm. of water and yet the plants remained turgid. All of the soil in the pots and in the top 3 feet of the strawberry field plots was reduced to the permanent wilting % before there was any evidence of wilting. At this moisture content there would be an equivalent tension of about 16,000 cm. of water as estimated by available data on the potential of the water at the permanent wilting %. Tensiometers in the Sudan grass plots showed close replicability for different "cycles." Tensions obtained were about the same even though the soils tested varied in texture as measured by the moisture equivalent. For the soils tested, the potential at the moisture equivalent, while difficult to evaluate exactly, is in the neighborhood of 0.3 X 106 ergs per gram. Attention is called to an error in reasoning occurring in the literature in regard to evaluating the pF and the potential of soil moisture at the moisture equivalent.