Zur Theorie der Teilchenbewegung in zeitabhängigen elektromagnetischen Feldern

The Langevin equation – i.e. the equation of motion for a charged particle including a collision term proportional to the particle velocity – is solved for arbitrary time‐dependent electric and magnetic fields by a new general method. Instead of the usual ansatz: particle velocity = cyclotron velocity + drift velocity the method given makes the ansatz: particle velocity = tensor = cyclotron velocity. The unknown tensor obeys a simple differential equation of the first order which can be generally solved at once. This method is a modification of the variation of constants method for inhomogeneous differential equations. The electromagnetic fields considered must be spatially homogeneous; for (weakly) inhomogeneous fields an iteration procedure of Pytte (1962) may be applied. Some examples are discussed shortly. The Langevin equation treated is completely equivalent to the equation of motion in a magnetohydrodynamic one‐fluid theory.