Trophic regulation of action potential in bullfrog sympathetic neurones

These experiments tested the hypothesis that the normal electrophysiological properties of mature bullfrog sympathetic ganglion (BFSG) neurones are maintained by the retrograde supply of nerve growth factor-like molecules from peripheral target tissues. Maintenance of these cells in explant culture in the absence of nerve growth factor (NGF) for up to 30 days produced electrophysiological changes that resemble those previously shown to accompany axotomy in vivo. These included (i) an increase in action potential (ap) duration (spike width), (ii) a decrease in the amplitude of the afterhyperpolarization (ahp), which follows the ap, and (iii) a rapidly developing decrease in ahp duration. When murine NGF (2.5 s; 50 ng/mL) was included in the culture medium there was less attentuation of ahp amplitude. Inclusion of affinity-isolated sheep lgG antibodies (0.5 μg/mL; raised against murine 2.5 s NGF) in the culture medium promoted a greater reduction in ahp amplitude than was seen in the "control" explants that were maintained in the absence of NGF. By contrast, the decrease in ahp duration that occurred in control explants was neither attenuated by exposure to NGF nor was it enhanced by NGF antibodies. Also, the increase in spike width that was seen in control explants was enhanced both by murine NGF and by NGF antibodies. Although some of the data support the hypothesis that factor(s) with some similarity to NGF may be synthesized by BFSG in vitro, loss of the retrograde transport of such factors does not explain all aspects of the electrophysiological response to target deprivation and (or) axotomy.Key words: sympathetic ganglion, axotomy, tissue culture, action potential afterhyperpolarization, nerve growth factor.

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