Four-dimensional B-spline based motion analysis of tagged MR images: introduction andin vivovalidation

In MRI tagging, magnetic tags - spatially encoded magnetic saturation planes - are created within tissues acting as temporary markers. Their deformation pattern provides useful qualitative and quantitative information about the functional properties of underlying tissue and allows non-invasive analysis of mechanical function. The measured displacement at a given tag point contains only unidirectional information; in order to track the full 3D motion, these data have to be combined with information from other orthogonal tag sets over all time frames. Here, we provide a method to describe the motion of the heart using a four-dimensional tensor product of B-splines. In vivo validation of this tracking algorithm is performed using different tagging sets on the same heart. Using the validation results, the appropriate control point density was determined for normal cardiac motion tracking. Since our motion fields are parametric and based on an image plane based Cartesian coordinate system, trajectories or other derived values (velocity, acceleration, strains...) can be calculated for any desired point within the volume spanned by the control points. This method does not rely on specific chamber geometry, so the motion of any tagged structure can be tracked. Examples of displacement and strain analysis for both ventricles are also presented.