Mapping the binding site of aflatoxin B1 in DNA: systematic analysis of the reactivity of aflatoxin B1 with guanines in different DNA sequences

The mutagenic and carcinogenic chemical aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) reacts almost exclusively at the N(7)-position of guanine following activation to its reactive form, the 8,9-epoxide (AFB1 oxide). In general N(7)-guanine adducts yield DNA strand breaks when heated in base, a property that serves as the basis for the Maxam-Gilbert DNA sequencing reaction specific for guanine. Using DNA sequencing methods, other workers have shown that AFB1 oxide gives strand breaks at positions of guanines; however, the guanine bands varied in intensity. This phenomenon has been used to infer that AFB1 oxide prefers to react with guanines in some sequence contexts more than in others and has been referred to as "sequence specificity of binding". Herein, data on the reaction of AFB1 oxide with several synthetic DNA polymers with different sequences are presented, and (following hydrolysis) adduct levels are determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography. These results reveal that for AFB1 oxide (1) the N(7)-guanine adduct is the major adduct found in all of the DNA polymers, (2) adduct levels vary in different sequences, and, thus, sequence specificity is also observed by this more direct method, and (3) the intensity of bands in DNA sequencing gels is likely to reflect adduct levels formed at the N(7)-position of guanine. Knowing this, a reinvestigation of the reactivity of guanines in different DNA sequences using DNA sequencing methods was undertaken. The reactivities of 190 guanines were determined quantitatively and considered in a pentanucleotide context, 5''-WXGYZ-3'', where the central, underlined G represents the reactive guanine and W, X, Y, and Z can be any of the nucleotide bases. Methods are developed to determine that the X (5''-side) base and the Y (3''-side) base are most influential in determining guanine reactivity. The influence of the bases in the 5''-position (X) is 5''-G (1.0) > C (0.8) > A (0.3) > T (0.2), while the influence of the bases in the 3''-position (Y) is 3''-G (1.0) > T (0.8) > C (0.4) > A (0.3). These rules in conjunction with molecular modeling studies (to be published elsewhere) were used to assess the binding sites that might be utilized by AFB1 oxide in its reaction with DNA.