Enterocolitis Caused by Methicillin-ResistantStaphylococcus aureus: Molecular Characterization of Respiratory and Digestive Tract Isolates

We investigated the mechanism of outbreak of enterocolitis caused by methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Five epidemiological markers [coagulase type, enterotoxin type, toxic shock syndrome toxin‐1 (TSST‐1) production, β‐lactamase production and pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)] of 45 strains of MRSA isolated simultaneously from the respiratory tract (nasal cavity and/or pharynx and/or sputum) and stool (plus one sample of gastric juice) in 13 patients (8 males and 5 females, mean age, 77.1 years) were compared retrospectively. Forty‐four of the 45 isolates of MRSA were positive for enterotoxin C and TSST‐1 production, and the remaining isolate was positive for enterotoxin A and negative for TSST‐1 production. All isolates were coagulase type II, and 27 showed β‐lactamase production. The patterns of coagulase type, enterotoxin type, TSST‐1 and β‐lactamase production of MRSA isolated from the respiratory tract were similar to those of MRSA isolated from the intestine in 12 of 13 patients. Molecular typing by PFGE demonstrated that the pattern of respiratory tract isolates was identical to those of stool isolates in 9 (69.2%), similar in 3 (23.1%), and different in 1 (7.7%). The data suggested that enterocolitis might be caused by the MRSA colonized in the respiratory tract and incorporated into the digestive tracts. Therefore, we propose that early eradication of MRSA in the respiratory tract is important for protection of patients against the development of enterocolitis, particularly in susceptible patients, e.g., immunocompromised or pre‐operated patients with digestive diseases, especially malignant disease.

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