The structure of porous gallium phosphide

Free films of porous GaP have been obtained for the first time and their microstructure has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Raman scattering (RS). The TEM results showed that the microstructure of the porous-GaP films has a complicated spatial structure, but the local crystallographic orientation is preserved and corresponds to the initial substrate. Narrowing of the half-width and a simultaneous low-frequency shift of the LO-phonon peak were observed in the RS spectrum. This behavior can be satisfactorily explained in terms of the change in the plasmon-phonon interaction as a result of a decrease in the carrier density. A shift in the frequency of surface phonons of porous GaP as a function of the local void formation conditions was also observed. It is shown that in principle porous layers can be obtained without the void surfaces being covered appreciably with oxides or other products of an electrochemical reaction.