Endoscopic transanal resection in the management of patients with sessile rectal adenomas, anastomotic stricture and rectal cancer

Forty patients underwent 61 endoscopic transanal resections using a urological resectoscope. Preoperative diagnoses were adenoma in 28 patients, carcinoma in seven and benign anastomotic stricture in five. Four patients with adenomas were found to have frank carcinoma. Ablation of 22 of 23 adenomas was achieved, 11 with a single transanal resection. Open operation was required for one patient. Locally advanced rectal malignancy was palliated in five of seven patients. All those with benign anastomotic stricture were cured by a single resection. The median operating time was 25 min, with 11 procedures exceeding 30 min. There were complications in seven cases (six bleeding, one septicaemia). The median hospital stay for the procedure alone was 3·5 days. There were no deaths within 30 days of operation. Endoscopic transanal resection is minimally invasive, quick, safe and effective. Histological surveillance is a major advantage and appears reliable. Low complication rates can be achieved by opting for several “easy” resections and by restricting use of the procedure to lesions within 15 cm of the anal verge.