Distribution of single‐axon recurrent inhibitory post‐synaptic potentials in a single spinal motor nucleus in the cat.

1. The distribution of recurrent Renshaw inhibition was examined in the medial gastrocnemius motor nucleus of the cat by measurement of single‐axon recurrent inhibitory post‐synaptic potentials (recurrent i.p.s.p.s) in motoneurones supplying medial gastrocnemius produced by single impulses of antidromically stimulated single motor axons supplying the same muscle. 2. Stimulated motor‐axon‐recorded‐motoneurone pairs were classified as 'close' if both contributed their axons to the same portion of the ventral roots (L7 rostral, L7 caudal or S1). Alternatively, they were classified as 'distant' if their axons were in different portions of these ventral roots. 3. Both the incidence and amplitude of 'close‐pair' recurrent i.p.s.p.s were shown to be significantly larger than the corresponding values for 'distant‐pair' recurrent i.p.s.p.s. 4. The results provided evidence of a strong topographic effect on the distribution of recurrent Renshaw inhibition within a single spinal motor nucleus. This finding is discussed in relation to the roles of topographic and species specificity in determining the organization of recurrent inhibition and to the partitioned distribution of monosynaptic Ia excitation in single motor nuclei.