Flux creep in a polycrystallineBa0.6K0.4BiO3superconductor

Magnetization curves have been measured as a function of temperature for a polycrystalline sample of Ba0.6 K0.4 BiO3. These measurements reveal significant reversibility at modest fields for all temperatures studied. The irreversibility line (H*,T*) is determined for this material and shows that H* is less than 0.8 T at all temperatures. The logarithmic magnetic relaxation rate A=dM/d ln(t) has been studied for this material, as a function of both field and temperature. Analysis using the flux-creep model reveals the average pinning energy U0 to be 0.08±0.02 eV. This extremely small pinning energy is used to explain the small critical current, its strong dependence on field, and the significantly reversible behavior in this material.