Photochemistry and kinetics of the O*2–HI system

Rate coefficients of −17 and (2.7±1.0)×1014 cm3/molecule s have been measured by flow tube techniques for HI quenching of O2(1Δ) and O2(1Σ), respectively. In a separate experiment, the quantum yields of I(2P1/2) from HI and CF3I photolysis at 249 nm were determined to be (0.65±0.04) and (0.88±0.06), respectively, relative to a quantum yield of 1.0 from the photolysis of n‐C3F7I. The quenching rate of I* by HI was determined to be (5.7±1.0)×1014 cm3/molecule s. Experimental data and modeling results are presented for photolysis of a mixture of O*2 and HI. These data are relevant to consideration of a pulsed version of the chemical oxygen–iodine laser (COIL).