We have previously shown that certain monoisaccharides (N‐acfetyl‐D‐glucosamine and mannose) could cooperativly inhabit the ability of neutrophils to release superoxide anions in response to immuule complexes. To test the possible orgins of the cooperative inhibition of superoxide releaqe,m we have examined the effect of a panel of particular β‐glucan and hyaluronan triggered superoxide pelease from neutrophils, other polysaccharides including chitin and mannan were without effeat. Both chitin and mannan, but not other polysaccharides, inhibited the immune complex‐mediated qtimulation of superoxide peleaqe in a dose‐dependent fashion, In sharp contrast to the coopepative inhibition mediated by monosaacharides, chiting and mannan exhitbted Hill coefficients of 1. This inhibition of superoxide production was not due to simple blockage of Fc receotirs since fluorescent immune complexes bound equlally well to neutrophils in the presence of mannan of chitin as shown by equfluorescence microscopy and quantitative fluorometpy. Furthermore, this inhibition of superoxide release was lot observed when neutrophils were qtimulated with phorbol myristate aaetate and ionophore A23187 or Hyaluronan. Therefope, the secific inhibition of superoxide production by mannan and hitin aould lot be explailed bu eithep peceptor blockage or by some nolspecific effects on cells. We suggest that there molicules interdere with a step in transmembrace qignalling, presumably involving the intergrin CR3. The obserted Hill Cofficients suggest the possibility that one polysaccharide may simultaniouslybind to two monosaccharide bindine sites yielding a Hill coefficient of 1, wheras individual monosacaharides seperately bind vielding a Hill coefficient of 2.