“On-off” phenomena, dyskinesias and dystonias

In this study the effects of an acute injection of lisuride and apomorphine in 12 subjects affected by dystonic-dyskinetic syndromes of different aetiology are evaluated: 3 patients with spasmodic torticollis, 4 with tardive dyskinesia and 5 Parkinson patients suffering from on-off attacks with prominent dyskinesias during the mobile phase. In the last group drugs were administered during the on phase. In 11 of 12 patients both lisuride and apomorphine induced a marked improvement of the abnormal involuntary movements. In Parkinson and torticollis patients both drugs also reduced the rigidity. In comparison to apomorphine, lisuride showed a more effective and long-lasting action. Only in 1 Parkinson patient did the drugs fail in showing any change.